Terrain designed a robust, flexible roof landscape for intensive year round use by a large residential community of varied ages and interests.  Terrain participated in an open community process, surveying the residents to determine their priorities for the existing, underused 15,000 square foot roof top.

As the building is located in an area without easy access to green outdoor space, the residents' wish list contained many of the elements that a small urban park would offer.  From this collaboration Terrain landed on a design which offers significant and diverse plant communities, a variety of seating, an outdoor kitchen, bathrooms, a sheltered playground, and plenty of open space.  Throughout the project, Terrain developed a precast concrete curb system as a cost effective solution to contain the soil volume necessary for planting on a rooftop.  The system allows for large, unsegmented areas of soil capable of sustaining healthier plant growth.  The curbs allow for varied, flexible geometries and provide a diversity of seating nooks among thickets of evergreen, meadows and birch groves. 

Location: Boerum Hill, Brooklyn,  NY _Size: 15,000 Square Feet _Client: Private Condo Board _Collaborators: Thomas Fenniman Architects - Christopher Rome (Architect) ,Old Structures - Donald Friedman (Structural Engineer), _Contractor: Skyline Restoration - Adam Seminara_Status: Complete _Year: 2011 _Team: Steven Tupu, Kurt Martig, Maggie Condon

