Terrain collaborated with David Howell Design Office on the restoration of a Hampton Bay home and estate located on a protected wetland and estuary.  

The reorganization of the house oriented the living spaces to the stunning, 280 degree views of the Great Peconic Bay and the mouth of a small creek estuary.  The designed landscape is a wide, open plinth which sits above the coastline providing elevated views of the waters.  The expanded deck landscape sits lightly above the grade and bites together with the existing site in a saw-tooth layout which help orient vies to the dramatic neck between the two bodies of water.  The sloped landscape is heavily planted in coastal natives to mitigate the visual impact of the residence,  while the terrace provides an expanded living space complete with a pool, lounges, large dining space and fully functional outdoor kitchen.  Terrain worked closely with the interior spaces, matching the material and furniture palette in order to create a continuation the living space as it transitions into the landscape.

Location: Southampton, NY _Size: 2 Acres _Client: Private Resident _Collaborators: David Howell Design, Backer Photography: Bjorg Magnea, Carl Stahl - Patrick Kelly_Status: Complete _Year: 2011 _Team: Steven Tupu, Kurt Martig, Sylvia Wilson, Natalie Khoo
